Plane Justice has submitted its proposals for a radical overhaul of the aviation regulatory system. These proposals form the centrepiece of our Response to the Department for Transport’s consultation on the Design & Usage of UK airspace. You can read our full response here. We see the outcome of the DfT’s review as a wasted opportunity, failing as […]
Horley Meeting 28th April 2017 @ 7.30pm

STOP PRESS: The resolution passed by Horley residents on 28th April (see below) was debated in May at a full meeting of Horley Council and unanimously adopted. THIS MEANS IT IS NOW OFFICIAL HORLEY TOWN COUNCIL POLICY TO: “Lobby the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) to reverse its current position, and return Gatwick departure Route 4 (whether using new […]
CAA Confirm ‘Route to Misery’ with uncertain prospect of ‘jam tomorrow’

(Press Release 18 April 2017) In a decision that raises many more questions than it answers, the CAA has approved its second redesign of Gatwick departure Route 4 in three years, following its first attempt to introduce P-RNAV on this Route in 2013. And in so doing, the CAA appeared indifferent to the misery […]
CAA announces its decision on Route 4

In its decision published on 7 April 2017, the CAA have confirmed the existing P-RNAV redesign of Route 4, introduced on 26 May 2016. In reaching this decision, the CAA continue to blight the home lives of over 7,000 people not overflown before, and to repeat and compound errors made in their November 2015 Post […]
Airlines Deliver ‘Vote of No Confidence’ in new Route 4

REVEALED: AIRLINES DELIVER ‘VOTE OF NO CONFIDENCE’ in new design of Gatwick departure Route 4 (press release 13 Mar 2017). Following a Freedom of Information request, residents blighted by the new Route 4 are in possession of emails, memos & letters between airlines/ pilots and the CAA and Gatwick. And what they say makes grim […]
Gatwick Route 4 Blog poses further questions for the CAA

An important question for the CAA: Is a 1.4% improvement in track-keeping REALLY worth making a misery of the lives of thousands of residents newly overflown by Route 4? ~~ Press release 24 Jan 2017: In its Blog posted on 23rd December 2016, Gatwick told residents that in its opinion the redesign of Route 4 had […]